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    LOG IN Michael Cohen fears Trump rhetoric could put his family at risk: Sources

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    LOG IN Michael Cohen fears Trump rhetoric could put his family at risk: Sources Empty LOG IN Michael Cohen fears Trump rhetoric could put his family at risk: Sources

    مُساهمة من طرف abou rayane الخميس 17 يناير 2019 - 5:31

    LOG IN Michael Cohen fears Trump rhetoric could put his family at risk: Sources Michael-cohen-gty-jpo-181212_hpMain_5_16x9_992

    Michael Cohen is having reservations about his highly anticipated public appearance before Congress next month, fearing that President Donald Trump’s frequent diatribes against him could put his family in danger, according to sources close to Cohen.

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    Michael Cohen fears Trump rhetoric could put his family at risk: Sources
    He has some reservations about his public testimony, sources said.
    By Eliana Larramendia and James Hill
    Jan 17, 2019 1:14 AM ET
    Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney arrives at federal court for his sentencing hearing in New York City, Dec. 12, 2018.
    (Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images) Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney arrives at federal court for his sentencing hearing in New York City, Dec. 12, 2018....+
    Michael Cohen is having reservations about his highly anticipated public appearance before Congress next month, fearing that President Donald Trump’s frequent diatribes against him could put his family in danger, according to sources close to Cohen.

    While his testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform appears to be on track to occur as scheduled on Feb. 7, it is now less certain than it initially appeared that Cohen -- Trump’s former attorney and fixer -- will sit before lawmakers, those sources told ABC News.

    As the president continues to engage in what Cohen sees as reckless and unsubstantiated claims he believes are intended to intimidate him, Cohen has expressed to friends his concern that Trump’s heated rhetoric on television and Twitter could incite an unstable person to target him or his family.

    (MORE: Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen says Trump knew it was wrong to make hush-money payments during campaign)
    Cohen has become so worried that he is now questioning whether a public hearing is in his best interest, sources said, and people close to him have advised him to reconsider.

    In an interview with FOX News on Saturday, Trump called Cohen “weak,” accused him of lying to prosecutors in order to get a reduced sentence, and hinted -- unprompted and without evidence -- that he possessed damaging information about Cohen’s family.

    “[Cohen] should give information maybe on his father-in-law, because that’s the one that people want to look at,” Trump told FOX News host Jeanine Pirro. “That’s the money in the family.”

    There has been no public indication during the investigation of Cohen that his father-in-law is or was the subject of any criminal inquiry

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