منتديات إفادة المغربية

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منتديات إفادة المغربية

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    Ronda Rousey has trashed reports she is set to hang up the spandex and step out of the WWE spotlight to start a family.

    abou rayane
    abou rayane
    عضو ممتاز
    عضو ممتاز

    Ronda Rousey has trashed reports she is set to hang up the  spandex and step out of the WWE spotlight to start a family. Empty Ronda Rousey has trashed reports she is set to hang up the spandex and step out of the WWE spotlight to start a family.

    مُساهمة من طرف abou rayane الأحد 27 يناير 2019 - 18:08

    Ronda Rousey has trashed reports she is set to hang up the 
    spandex and step out of the WWE spotlight to start a family.

    Speculation has been intense that Rousey, 31, wants children with husband and UFC heavyweight Travis Browne and would be willing to step away from the ring in order to have children.

    “There was a decent amount of talk this past week internally, since we heard it from several people, that Rousey would finish up at WrestleMania,” the report read on Thursday.
    “That may not be decided as that aspect is just the feeling people had since it’s the logical ending everyone came to based on the situation.”
    WWE quickly responded in a statement that said: “Ronda Rousey is under contract with WWE until 4/10/2021.”

    Ronda Rousey has trashed reports she is set to hang up the  spandex and step out of the WWE spotlight to start a family. Afef191aaa938e42323429186b34e89c?width=650
    “I honestly don’t know why (anyone) feels like (they’re) an authority to speak on the plans for my uterus,” she said.
    “If I responded every single time the world speculated what I was doing with my womb I would not have a free moment in the day.

    “I really don’t feel like I should have to respond to that kind of thing. It’s my vagina, my life, keep the speculations to yourself. Leave me and my reproductive organs alone.
    “I’ve not kept it a secret that I would definitely want to start a family. But how do you go about doing that? I love this way more than I thought that I would. So do you just keep going until you just happen to get pregnant? Or should you stop and go try and get pregnant?
    “I’ve never had a baby before, I don’t know these kinds of things.
    “It would be kind of cool to just keep acting and then one day, ‘Hey, surprise twist, I’m pregnant.’ That would be fun. There’s a lot of things up in the air. A lot of decisions that we’ve gotta make as a family. I’m trying to figure it out as I go along.”

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة 11 أكتوبر 2024 - 2:33