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    Lleyton Hewitt accuses Bernard Tomic of 'blackmail' and 'physical' threats

    abou rayane
    abou rayane
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    Lleyton Hewitt accuses Bernard Tomic of 'blackmail' and 'physical' threats Empty Lleyton Hewitt accuses Bernard Tomic of 'blackmail' and 'physical' threats

    مُساهمة من طرف abou rayane الخميس 17 يناير 2019 - 17:39

    Lleyton Hewitt accuses Bernard Tomic of 'blackmail' and 'physical' threats Search?source=hp&ei=zq5AXOLnLo-dlwSywI7oBw&q=abc+news&oq=abc+ne&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.1.0.0i67l2j0l3.5468.13690..14842...5.0..0.672.5273.3-2j1j7......0....1.......5..35i39j46j46i67

    Lleyton Hewitt accuses Bernard Tomic of 'blackmail' and 'physical' threats Search?source=hp&ei=zq5AXOLnLo-dlwSywI7oBw&q=abc+news&oq=abc+ne&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.1.0.0i67l2j0l3.5468.13690..14842...5.0..0.672.5273.3-2j1j7......0....1.......5..35i39j46j46i67

    Lleyton Hewitt has made explosive allegations against Bernard Tomic, accusing his former Davis Cup teammate of "blackmail" and "physical" threats towards him and his family.

    "The threats that I've received, for me and my family, that I've had for a year and a half now, I don't think anyone would reach out to a person who speaks like that," Hewitt said.

    When asked whether he had received physical threats, Hewitt replied: "Both. Blackmail threats and physical."

    Tomic told the Herald Sun earlier this week that he had threatened Hewitt two years ago he would "knock him out" if he tried to talk to him.

    Hewitt's accusation of blackmail related to the awarding of Australian Open wildcards and Tomic threatening not to play Davis Cup.

    "It started because of blackmails to do with [Australian Open] wildcards. This was over a year ago," Hewitt said.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة 4 أكتوبر 2024 - 0:44