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    How to Get Immense Traffic from Reddit in 2018

    abou rayane
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    How to Get Immense Traffic from Reddit in 2018 Empty How to Get Immense Traffic from Reddit in 2018

    مُساهمة من طرف abou rayane السبت 12 يناير 2019 - 13:57

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    You are here: Home / Blogging Tips / How to Get Immense Traffic from Reddit in 2018
    How to Get Immense Traffic from Reddit in 2018
    posted on APRIL 29, 2018

    Last updated on June 8th, 2018

    Ever thought about using reddit to drive traffic to your site?

    Maybe you are looking for the latest best way to use reddit for traffic generation.

    How about you get 99% of Reddit traffic flow to your own Article or Site?

    Am talking about Driving traffic from reddit in 2018.

    Not just any traffic;

    Super Duper High Converting Traffic.

    You’d agree with me that in order to make a lot of income from your site, you need some massive amount of traffic;

    Trust me;

    There are lots of ways to drive traffic to a site and some of them are;

    Search Engine Optimization
    Search Engine Marketing
    Social Sharing e.g. Face book, twitter, LinkedIn and
    Lots More
    But you know what?

    A lot of people only use the above ways to get traffic to their site or blog;

    They’re missing one big source of traffic;

    It’s Reddit.

    Over the months I’ve tested and used Reddit free traffic and one thing I noticed is when used properly; will definitely send you a lot of visitors resulting in sales for your business.

    The Awesome thing;

    Reddit traffic converts well whether you monetize with

    – Affiliate Marketing

    – Own-Product Sales

    – Google AdSense

    – Add yours

    But hey;

    The big question still remains “what is the best way to effectively use Reddit” or how do you drive traffic to your site using Reddit in 2018?

    Let me warn you;

    This strategy I’m about to share with you is ADDICTIVE and brings TOO MUCH GOOD RESULTS.

    Especially the second one.

    So if you don’t like good results, don’t read further.


    Don’t just jump to the second strategy, you may miss out massively.

    Fortunately, this will work for any one.

    Even if you’re a newbie
    You got just a less than 1 month blog
    The likes….
    But only;

    If only you are willing to take action and make it happen;

    There are three categories of people;

    Those who read tips
    Those who read and take action
    Those who read, take action and repeat the same steps for maximum effect.
    You want to be in the Third Category, alright?

    So what’s the deal?

    This free Reddit traffic strategy will only work if you take action.

    Just before then;

    What is Reddit?
    using reddit to drive traffic to your site

    Reddit is an online Community.

    To simplify things, Reddit is a place you share things

    Post things…. Anything buddy..
    Share views
    With lots of categories (Also known as subreddits) ranging from Entrepreneurship, gaming discussion, health, memes etc…

    Mainly for discussion of different areas of life;

    Reddit’s become one of the most visited website in the United States and the world at whole.

    In fact it’s the 12th most visited website in the US.

    Reddit by the numbers
    Source – https://www.reddit.com/
    Why not take advantage of this?

    You can get decent traffic using Reddit the right way.

    The great stuff, you’re in Luck.

    I will share the 2 EXACT Strategy you can use to drive insane traffic from Reddit community.

    Don’t be in a hurry,

    Before I share these two strategies, I want to get you started on Reddit first.

    How to get Started with Reddit?
    Before you think about driving traffic using reddit, there are a few terms you need to get used to.

    Things like; creating an account, getting familiar with the regular reddit terms, etc…

    1. Setup your Profile

    You can’t just enter a house without being invited.

    This is to say, you just can’t start posting on Reddit.

    You need an account.

    This isn’t hard any bit.

    Just head in to the reddit.com website,

    Click create an account
    Fill in your details
    Use a strong Password
    and you are welcome to contributing.

    We are done with the first necessary step.

    Below is very important.

    2. Know your Subreddit
    Reddit hate spammers. Sorry I mean Redditors (People who make up the Reddit Community) .

    Not just Reddit, everyone including you and I.

    Categories on Reddit are known as subreddits.

    It looks like this “/r/Entrepreneur

    They include;

    Lots More…
    The subreddit you will subscribe to strictly depends on what your blog is all about.

    For example:

    If you have a blog that talks about games, you’ll want to subscribe to subreddit related to games.

    Now you know where your blog belongs. You want to take advantage of this.

    The perfect Subreddit?
    Truly, there are a lot of subreddits but to get the maximum traffic you so desire, you need active ones.

    One with large number of members.

    It’s very easy to find this out.

    Go to your subreddit and you can see how many members a subreddit contains as well as people online at the moment.

    This will determine if it’s a good subreddit for you to subscribe to.

    I personally prefer a large subreddit that is active.

    3. Subreddit Insider (The Don’ts)
    For each and every subreddit.

    You’re not expected to just join and start making posts.

    First thing you want to do is “read their rules”.

    There are rules and regulations you must abide with.

    This can be found in the right sidebar of that subreddit like below;

    reddit entrepreneur posting rules

    I won’t waste much of your time, because I respect it a lot.

    Using Reddit to Drive Traffic to Your Site (2 Working Strategies)
    Strategy 1: Activeness
    This is very easy to follow;

    Now that you know your subreddit, the next step you want to take is NOT start posting your links here and there.

    This will get you banned and may really hurt your brand.

    The Right way?

    There are few ways to get started and noticed in a Subreddit.

    Get used to the redditors; know the current or trending stories and or discussions
    Observe what kind of posts get more views, comments, upvotes and
    Contribute Quality Contents relating to those posts.
    This way you will get noticed.

    Trending stories can be determine from the image below:

    trending stories

    I want to draw your attention to two things from the image above.

    The first story is a paid one (promoted story). Promoted stories appear above other stories.
    The rest are having (self.entrepreneur) in front of the headlines. This means the trending stories for this reddit are post types.
    Do not rush into linking to your site immediately.

    Keep things contextual and only link naturally in some of your articles.

    Tip: I posted for a week or two before adding links to my site on reddit posts.

    The above strategy is simple;

    Stay Active
    Contribute Quality Contents
    Below is the second powerful strategy that will help you drive traffic from Reddit immensely.

    Strategy 2: Article + Big Site Strategy for Reddit Traffic
    This has worked for me 90% all the time.

    This POWERFUL “Article + BIG Site Ranking Strategy” will get you UNLIMITED Traffic from reddit…. Even to your New Blog Created Today!

    ANOTHER Lazy but powerful Method… because you SIT & RELAX when Done.

    Your Article + BIG Site = UNLIMITED TRAFFIC

    I have enough valuable stuffs to share with you…. Having made researches, made experiments and seen success

    I want to share it with You Today and believe me, this isn’t some common method.

    ==> My Friend Deadbeat uses this EXACT Method to bank affiliate commissions.. on Autopilot.

    ==> If I have a new product for sale on my site and need enough traffic, the first thing I do is use this POWERFUL STRATEGY!

    If you follow carefully, you’ll notice huge improvement in traffic which will definitely and positively affect your:

    – Affiliate Earnings
    – Product Sales
    – Google AdSense Revenue
    – Etc…. [Add yours]

    This HEFTY Strategy works with Any Blog.

    There’s something I want to let you know….

    I have bad and good news…

    The bad news is that it is TOO SIMPLE and as a result, many will not make use of it.

    The good news is if you follow and use the Strategy, you will start seeing huge traffic to your Blog Articles…

    Why do I love this Reddit Traffic Strategy am about to Share with You?

    – You can publish a Post today and start seeing results in less than 7 days….

    Don’t wait for months before you get Traffic…. to your Blog.

    I call it the ARTICLE + BIG SITES STRATEGY!!!!

    I have used this Strategy to get some good/decent amount of traffic;


    There’s something you don’t know….

    Damn! I didn’t before too anyway.

    And you know what?

    It’s super easy.

    Lets go..


    We have sites, and we have BIG Sites…

    Am talking about BIG sites like Reddit..

    These sites have SUPER High Authority and almost any article they publish, gets indexed immediately.

    They’ve gained Google Trust Already.

    Guaranteed to Rank.

    Am going to take advantage of this;

    Have that ego that you can always create new articles and get Traffic….INSTANTLY.


    Your blog is super new maybe with DA1 PA1 and can’t rank easily…..

    Step by Step Guide to generating Huge Traffic from Reddit;
    1. Write an SEO friendly article based on a “VERY EASY” to rank Keyword.

    For best Results, check Google for that Keyword “Make sure the keyword doesn’t appear in the Top 10 Results’ TITLE, DESCRIPTION or PERMALINK.

    [This is goldmine]

    2. Hit Submit

    So what next?

    The next thing is to do what will bring huge traffic

    Here comes the Strategy…

    1. Go to Reddit and Register if you haven’t already

    2. Make a Post (Make sure you post this to your Profile on Reddit only, NOT subredit)

    – Write around 100 words and make sure your keyword appears at least 3 times in the article….

    – Have your keyword appear at the beginning of the title of the post (More Ranking Power)

    NOTE: make sure you repurpose your content to be slightly different from the main content on your blog…make sure you don’t post the full content… because you need to add something like “More Explanation” that will direct them to your Article to get the full information…

    Again, do not spam. I repeat do not spam.

    Hit SUBMIT

    Before you know it, this page will get indexed immediately.

    Most of the time, they will make First Page just within few days… but cannot be guaranteed, sorry.


    You can buy 100-200 social bookmarking sites backlinks to that article on Reddit from a freelance SEO services sites like Seoclerks.

    You can build unlimited BACKLINKS to this site articles because they are already authority and will not be banned.

    Use it to skyrocket your Traffic over and over again.

    THE STRATEGY is SIMPLE in summary.

    – Your Reddit article gets to first page
    – Receives organic traffic for life
    – 99% of that traffic comes to your article on Reddit and redirects to your own site article.

    Pretty Cool I guess

    Well I think; using Reddit to drive traffic to your site can be damn easy only if you follow strategy that works.

    Have questions? Ask in the comment section and share with friends.


    About David Razak
    Hey, I’m David. I’ll teach you how to create your own passive income online. I want to teach you what works.


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    Tanjib Hasan
    4 months ago
    Hi David
    Great article I must say.I’ll definitely try this…but one question, I don’t get your this point
    “Make sure you post this to your Profile on Reddit only, NOT subredit)”
    What do you exactly want to mean with this line? Because as far I know, you can’t post your article inside your profile in reddit you must select some relivent subreddit.so you can we do so?

    Reply to Tanjib Hasan
    David Razak
    3 months ago
    Hello Tanjib. Its is possible to post directly on your profile when your karma grow to some points.

    Reply to David Razak
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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 27 يوليو 2024 - 9:07